Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentines Day!

Alright so I don't have much to do and what I do have to do I am avoiding it to enjoy my lovely snow day! Thus, you lovely people reading this blog all three or four of you get to hear about my thoughts on Valentines Day. Weird she's not talking about her dreams, but in a way doesn't every girl dream of the perfect Valentine's Day?

Alright so here it goes!

February 14th, what a random day right? It's in the middle of winter, generally things are kind of dreary and February is a weird month by itself. So why Feb 14th? The next bit of information definitely comes from wikipedia! The main reason was some awesome Saint Valentine from the Roman Catholic faith was buried on February 14th! That's it! That's the reason guys are racking their brains about big gestures, girls are flocking to the malls and boutiques in vain hopes that this Valentine's Day will live up to their expectations, and millions of dollars are spent to somehow prove love! All because of a burial of a man that people have forgotten about over the years, wow!

So guys, first off I want to apologize on behalf of the female population: We put way too much pressure on you guys to make us feel special, which you men usually take as spending money. I am sorry about all the pressure we put on you, as women we should feel special enough without one day for it to be proven. Please all we ask, well at least all I ask of my future significant other, is that you sincerely show us you care about us. This can be a prepared speech, or some little love poem on our desks, in our mailbox, or on our door. When you are sincere with a female they know it, they can tell, and if they can't well you two shouldn't be together.

Girls, enjoy this day as if it were any other day and never forget we must make the man feel special too. This is a lot easier for us because all we have to do is wake him up with some awesome morning sex! It's a win win! Girls just calm down, as a recovering expectation addict please do not have expectations. There is a really great book out there that discusses the differences between love languages. People do not show love in all the same ways so make sure you realize that whatever your man has done was spoken in his love language. Girls life is not a rom com so please do not expect him to shout and profess his love, if all he does is buy some drug store chocolate make sure you let him know that it was the best damn drugstore chocolate of your life! Some guys just aren't good at that kind of thing. Also, if you want him to make you feel special why don't you make him feel important everyday of your relationship! It's YOUR own expectations that ruin Valentines Day not his ACTIONS.

Single people, just realize this day is a great day to DREAM of future Valentines Days with someone you love. Be careful don't get too sappy in those dreams, just know that one Valentines Day is meant for you and you cannot hate others who enjoy it this time around. Next year, they might need you to understand the loneliness they feel.

Lastly, Valentines Day is not ONLY for romantic love. Make sure you show EVERYONE you love in your life that you love them. Single people I know you have people you love that you can show you care! Celebrate it! Enjoy it! If anything just use it as an excuse to get drunk with the dearest people in your life!

As many of you know I am a total romantic sap, so no matter how crappy my February 14th is I can't help but feed off of everyone's love being spread around the world on this day! I am your own personal Love Bug!

That's it for my procrastination rambling!