Tuesday, February 21, 2012

anger problems

So as I was hanging out with New Beginnings today I noticed I was crankier than usual, why? I think it had to do with my rather unsettling dream.

So this dream occurred during a 20 minute snooze session after my alarm went off. The dream was an imagination of what could have happened when I woke up in a parallel life. So in this dream, I woke up to Jared and Samantha running around my apartment seemingly destroying everything. People were running in and out of my apartment moving things and I was furious! I love a peaceful environment to wake-up to and things were crazy. Jared started yelling that he couldn't live in the apartment anymore because of the way it was set up and that was why there were people walking in and out. I was frustrated and running late because I had 5 minutes to get out the door to make it to my practicum classroom. He is talking in my ear about the changes he's making while I am struggling to find everything I need along with proper clothes to wear in a classroom! I yell back at him "Last time I checked you have a loft that you can return to, why don't you stay there for a few days! Leave my place alone!" He then begins blabbing and yelling in my ear about why he isn't going back to the loft and I am completely ignoring him. I am trying to at least make it to my bathroom so I can have some peace! But Jared and Sam both follow me in there talking my ear off. Sam is trying to convince me why Jared is right and she becomes particularly insistent. She is near yelling when I slap her with all of my force, the whole apartment fell quiet. I immediately regret what I've done because my cousin doesn't deserve that. I start balling and hugging my cousin asking for her forgiveness. The slap should have been for Jared, but Sam was right there and her cheek happened to catch all the fury I owned in my body. I wake-up as I'm still apologizing to Sam.

Crazy dream for such a short amount of time!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i tell you this every day, that dudes bad news.....