Monday, February 20, 2012

In other news...

Alright so my dream recall this past weekend is a little on the dull side.

Most of my readers have already heard that I had a dream where I was driving and passed by at least 5 cop cars. One of them finally pulls me over for no reason and I receive a ticket for $210. This dream has me freaked out that I am going to be pulled over sometime soon.

But in other news, I ran 7 miles yesterday. This was by far my longest run in my marathon training history, and I am feeling the pain today. I have always had a weak hip flexor since my cheerleading days in high school and yesterday was too much for it. So today I am sitting around with a bum hip hoping to rest it up so I can run again by Wednesday. However, I am not too bummed about my hip because I RAN 7 FREAKING MILES! Woah! That's over half of the half- marathon! I DID IT! That run yesterday made running the marathon less of wild goal and more like an achievable dream! Whahoo! I would like to thank my dad for making this possible!

 We had a system going on yesterday, I would run at my turtle yet effective pace and he would skateboard ahead of me where he would stop when he couldn't see me and wait. Once I saw him I would either pause for a sec, walk for a minute, or keep running. He provided checkpoints for me and it was really nice to have someone support me on a run! I think we are making it a regular weekend thing and I think this will be the key to my training successfully! Man I love my dad!

So today I am catching up on homework, probably strengthening my core a little bit and enjoying my accomplishment by watching one of my favorite movies, Castle in the Sky!

Hey guys I RAN 7 MILES!

1 comment:

The Fantasy World said...

awesome Nina. I love that you can run distance. I'm not good at it, but then again you've put in a lot more work. I would've gone running today,....

If I didn't have a guitar that just begs to be played. ;)