Wednesday, February 15, 2012

For all my poetically minded friends

So I had an assignment in class last week, where we had to pick our favorite color and jot down how that color affects our 5 senses. So how do I see, hear, touch, taste, and smell the color pink? Since most of my followers post a poem every now and then I thought I would throw in my minimal poetry abilities!

Here's my homework and I actually kind of like it!

Pink marks my favorite things!
Dancing to a jumping party song,
Dying my hair like a rebel, and
Delicious foods I wish I could eat every day.

Sleeping in my favorite Victoria's Secrets pajamas,
Sniffing fresh blooming roses in my backyard,
Snorting little piglets who brighten my day, and
Sexy new shoes for a night out with my friends.

Reading books about overcoming the obstacles of love,
Writing with the most beautifully colored marker,
Running trying to catch snow on my tongue, and
Radically radiant ribbons in a little girl’s hair.

Pink marks my favorite things!

1 comment:

The Fantasy World said...

and the color of the font you use to type!
