Friday, February 10, 2012

Thunder Up!

So last night the OKC Thunder had a pretty devastating loss, but I love the Thunder no matter what. They have also had a tough week with four away games in 5 days. So it was a late game and that's what I watched before I went to bed.

Last night my dream started as we walked into a Thunder game. We were just enjoying our seats, but the game hadn't started and the seats weren't in the correct places. Actually, nothing was in its correct place the Chesapeake Arena looked completely different! However, we just sat down and started talking to some people we know! After a while though people came to move us because apparently our seats were needed for camera crews. I was outraged, saying that my parents paid good money for our seats and we deserve to sit in them! They still moved us anyway to these seats behind some bleachers and that's where we watched the game from and I was pissed the whole damn time! That's all I particularly remember about that dream.

Onto a really great thought I had today!

The look that explains my little thought!

^ is a link so click on it! It will open in a new window!

Alright, so you only have to watch like the first minute of this clip to understand what I am talking about. I had this thought, texted it to Natalie, then I decided I really liked it and would share it with you all!

Here's the thing, this is what I want someday:

Someday I want someone to look at me the way Denny looked at Izzie the first time, that's how I'll know he's the one. Not some guy that's intimidated by me, but some guy that looks at me like, "hey you fit my life, my puzzle, and my world, I will love you forever as long as you look at me the same way some day." Silly it may seem to some of you, young and naive to others of you, but a real hope for me. I think that these looks, those loves, and that kind of commitment exists even through the crap my friends, my family, and myself have been through; love like this still exists and I will find it someday! Ok yes, this little thought stemmed from a fictional tv show, based on fictional characters, and extreme amounts of drama, but it speaks to me so deal!

That's just who I am bloggers!


Living Arete said...

I think this background is very fitting for your blog. Just like your dreams, its a little crazy and chaotic, filled with creativity, and somehow it makes sense.

Living Arete said...

Actually I have been thinking about the same thing only really bluesy. Check out Joe Bonamassa or Johnny Lang.

ninalinda said...

Mix the both, and we're golden!

The Fantasy World said...

That was a pretty nice little clip!

Well I liked it, put things into perspective also. Some of us don't have a lot of time here! Live it up!

The Fantasy World said...

oh, and Nina, I'm glad you like what I write! I'm trying to really write about more things that are more relatable... I've talked to Brandon about this, but most of the stuff I come up with is wayyy up in the clouds/space. At least I think it is. Its really hard to change what you know (subconsciously or whatever) and do something different. I'm going to keep writing! :)

and thank you again, it means a lot.

Unknown said...

1. totally agree with brandon on the background, it fits really well with the theme of your blog!!!
2. totally agree with you about the denny thing
3. is it ok the i dont like katherine heigel because i dont like izzy? or is this like my applebees thing??