Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I lied,

As far as dreams go I had extremely realistic dreams last night. Things like changing my ink cartridge or walking to class. That was all for dreams!

Marathon news:
I lied. Running is not getting easier and easier everyday. Today sucked. It's a nice day outside and I was excited to go out and run! I was in such a good mood that I decided to up my time, so I chose 20 minutes each way. Hardest decision I ever made! I could tell once I hit that 15 minute mark my body wanted to turn around and head home. I kept going trying to distract myself with thoughts, remembering other running tips from people. It sucked the whole time! I finally let myself walk just for one song, but as a punishment, I guess, I did 10 jumping jacks for every minute that I walked. I pushed myself pretty hard today because I'm trying to up my pace, blah! Today just didn't go as expected in the fact that today's run was supposed to be easy but it wasn't.
I guess that's how life is. Sometimes you expect certain things to be easy, but they end up being extremely difficult. I am proud to say I ran through this minor difficulty and finished my run.
Starting in the next two weeks I will be running around lake Hefner in OKC to basically get the distance going. I think I have my pace almost where I want it!

Ta ta for now!

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