Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Alright bloggers, you haven't seen much of me lately and I would like to explain to all my loyal followers.

Once again, I have lost the ability to recall my dreams and because of this I have been going through an identity crisis lately. It's actually more of wondering if the person I have been for the past year is a result of a bad break-up or if I am actually this way. Who am I? Are my actions a reaction to my situation or my actions who I am? What is going on? I've been living a little wildly lately when in the past I am known for being conservative. Lately, I also have been forgetting my dreams, are they correlated? I like my wild life, but is it who I am? I believe in true love, but what about commitment?

None of you need answer any of these questions for me and you probably shouldn't, just letting you know what's up.

As New Beginnings says often, "what is my life about? what is my life about?" That's what I'm going through right now.

It seems kind of silly, I guess.

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