Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I just want a Dr. Pepper!

Granted there are other addictions that are a million times worse to suffer through, but I am addicted to Dr. Pepper and need one NOW!

Anyway my first dream from two nights ago was short and sweet! I was working in the computer lab at OU finishing up an education project when I look up and see Jared. I smile because it was nice to see him, but then immediately felt bad because I had a huge project to do and so little time to do it! I was polite and talked to him for as long as I could spare, but I had to gather up my papers and head out to class. I remember running down the stairs and greeting some of my students and it was almost like I ran out of my dream into consciousness.

The dream last night began as I went out with friends and I was celebrating something! I think I was celebrating an accomplishment at work or something and I'm at this real jazzy bar. The lights are all red and purple with some killer music in the background, but all I can think that I want is a Dr. Pepper. So I go up to the bar slam my fist down and demand a Dr. Pepper before I lose my mind! That's all I remember, but my fiery intense need for a Dr. Pepper was so strong that in my mind the whole bar shook when I slammed my fist down.

Crazy right?

1 comment:

The Fantasy World said...

At least you didn't ask for a Dr. Pepper Zero, it's not for women.