Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Big C

This dream I was with this eight year old boy and taking him to a doctors appointment before we headed to the amusement park! The amusement park was supposed to make him feel better after all the poking and prodding. I was also getting a bunch of tests done in order to make him feel better as well, and of course to check on my health! So the doctors office was fine and now it was time to go have fun and the doctor said he would call soon to tell us our results! We were having a great time at the amusement park! His favorite rides were the science based rides and the merry go round! We had just finished riding on the carousel when my cell phone rang, it was the doctor. I wasn't expecting very good news about the boy because he had been battling cancer, but I also wasn't expecting much news for me either. The boy was given a time limit to his life, he only had 2 months to live out his life before cancer would take him. I was given a weeks time before cancer would take me. What the hell? I felt fine and it was the boy I was worried about, how am I supposed to die before him! I don't tell the boy about our mortality, instead I give him a hug and try to enjoy the rest of the day. This was one of my last days and I wanted him to have the best time possible. The last thing I remember is picking the boy up and hugging him before we went to eat some fair food.

(can't tell if this is a continuation or not)

My next dream I was an actress just finishing one of my onstage performance when my boyfriend (I think) meets me at the back of the theater to pick me up in his beautiful mustang! He did donuts around the parking lot before we headed home! As we got home I started not feeling well, so we headed to the hospital. Luckily, Natalie was a doctor there and could set me up with a room, but the nurses hadn't made it to clean the room yet so we patiently waited. Natalie said it would be a few hours, so my boyfriend reminded me that he was supposed to be in the food eating competition and said we could go there while waiting for the room. I agreed and we said that we would meet his sister there. This competition consisted of eating a ton of food and randomly answering questions about Native American History. My boyfriend was always competing with the reigning champ to win! They were right on the desserts where they had to answer factoids found within the desserts. For some reason his competitor just up and quit in the middle of dessert and my boyfriend won! We were so happy and he couldn't be happier! We were swept up in the happiness as we headed back to the hospital!

And that's all folks!

1 comment:

The Fantasy World said...

ahahaha I love the new options to check. :)