Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Useless title

Hola amigos!

So I have been neglecting my dream blog, so sorry readers! Anywho I have two dreams for you today and they are short simply because I didn't blog them when I had them fresh in my head.

One of my dreams I am volunteering like I normally do on tuesdays and thursdays. I was having a particularly rough day with the children and I could feel my frustration building. I was helping a student with fractions when the emergency sirens came on! We had to quickly prepare the students for a tornado and of course at my frustration level didn't really work out! However, I look outside and it is a bright clear day, the emergency siren was for a missing student. The rest of the dream I am protecting and keeping my students safe because I did not want any of them to go missing.

Last night I remember there was a point to my dream, but I don't remember it at all! I remember being in the car with Kevin stopping at some subway transportation place parking my car walking through the station and then going back to my car! That's all I have today!

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