Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Suenos Locos en España

So I know I am supposed to talk about how awesome Granada is, and don't worry it is still one of my favorite places in the world, but I have been having some whacko dreams here!

Firstly, two nights ago I dreamed that I was living a real life Spiderman movie. I was just a spectator and didn't really have any role in the dream. My dream started with a crazy chase scene to save Miss Mary Jane Watson from certain death. Spiderman leapt over cars, dodged explosions, and eventually caught up with her captors. He almost saved her, but at the last minute the captors got the upper hand and dragged Mary Jane and Spiderman back to the villain's lair. The villain was a blonde woman who was only wanting Mary Jane because she had some vendetta against her. I don't quite remember how they escaped, but they did. Spiderman was pissed and needed to know why Mary Jane was a wanted woman. Mary Jane sat down and began the story....

Here the perspective changes to Mary Jane's memories.

Mary Jane, according to my dream world, used to be a mermaid kind of like Ariel. She realized that swimming and frolicking all day was not her cup of tea, so she made the bold choice to go the humanization school. (No shit, this is really what happened) Her memory skipped over the actual school years and went straight to her final exam. The final exam included literally incinerating the things you love and the things you most regret in one box, then you walk into the unknown human world at any point in human history. MJ had a hard time letting go of the things she regretted and the things she loved and had to go through the final exam process five times. Her item that she regretted most was a picture of the villain.  Eventually, she did it and walked straight into unknown human world into New York cerca 2000. I still don't remember why the villain was her biggest regret, but because of that she was now being hunted by the villain.

Then I woke up! 

Last night I had like six dreams in one, but I really only remember this part of it. I was living at a friends shit of a house with Jared and my friends were apparently druggies. They were always trying out the latest drug and making new concoctions every day. From what I can recall the backyard was a mess, nothing in the house was in order and for some reason it didn't bother me! However, Jared and I wanted to move on from the shithole and began our own lives. Of course, we had to try the latest concoction. The latest concoction was in the form of a pill. We took the pill, at first we were like I don't feel anything, but then next thing we know we just pass out on the spot where we are. 

In this high, we all join in together on the same dream. It was like walking through the gates of heaven almost! We all had this golden mini cupid wings on our back, so I asked if we could fly! I guess he was the manager of the high/dream and he said "Why of course, this is your dream, you can do anything you want!" So all of us in the high start trying to fly and everyone gets it, but me! I can leap really far, but just as I'm about to start flying the high/dream sucked us back into reality! 

We woke up in reality, myself and a few others leaning over the table after passing out. Others had to pick themselves up off the floor and others simply had to lean up. When we realized what had just happened, we were all a little dazed. Then I noticed one of my friends walking out of the room in a trance. She didn't look like she was coming off the high very well. We follow her to make sure she is ok, but then she starts speaking in tongues and her eyes turn black. 

Then I woke up!

1 comment:

The Fantasy World said...

This post has the full spectrum of emotions from fear to elation to confusion to understanding.

What is going on up there?!