Thursday, February 9, 2012

Jared again

Honestly, I find it incredibly annoying that my mind likes to dream about Jared. I mean why? Oh right I dated him for 5 years and he was in my every waking thought for those five years. Ugh, annoying. I would think that after a year it would go away, but then again I do talk to his family regularly and fuck him for stealing them away from me. Sorry, now I'm ranting again.

Anyway, so here's the dream!

I am out at a party dancing my toushay off when someone comes up from my left and puts a hand on the small of my back, which isn't very unusual at a dance party like the one I was at! I look to my left and see Jared, the boy I wanted to share my life with smiling at me and dancing with me in the stupid way that I used to love. I am drunk in the dream so seeing him I was only happy, throwing away thoughts of hate/resentment/betrayal. We danced in a familiar rhythm and just had fun with drinks in our hands! *sidenote* You never really realize what familiarities you form with someone until they're gone or out of your life. Back to the dream, somehow we stumble back to my apartment kissing and in the first stages of "fun time." We enjoy ourselves, but I don't really remember the "fun time" part of it. I do remember damn it felt good to kiss him again. But why? I really think it is just because he's a good kisser, or maybe those kisses were so awesome because of the feelings that were behind them. Who knows! I just remember the after cuddle and we start catching up on our lives. He tells me about his three possible girls and I tell him that I just didn't care enough to have any possibles. He told me there was a possible right now and her name was Gia. Gia was texting him while I am laying across his chest. We keep talking and catching up, then I tell him to go meet up with Gia.
That's the last I remember!

But I think I would rather have memory dreams of Jared and I's happy times than the possibilities that won't happen.

Sorry if that sounds a little down, but I'm actually happy, it's more of a reflection!

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