Monday, February 27, 2012

Dreaming my butt off!

Last night I decided to sleep a lot in spite of all the homework I have due today. So here are some of the dreams I had last night:


I was at my Nana's house for a family function and I brought my beautiful kitty Stella (at the current moment she is the most annoying kitty) It was a beautiful spring day and everyone was in and out of the backdoor. Well no one was minding Stella's determination to be outside including myself. Next thing I realize is that Stella is nowhere to be found! I run out the back door and I see her sitting by the garage just grooming herself in the daylight. I start calling to her and running towards her, but she just picks up and starts sprinting towards the opposite fencing. She continues running and half my family is following her! She runs so far along the fence that she encounters other cats and a donkey and her presence causes a ruckus amongst the other animals. She was about to start a fight with a huge grey cat when I pick her up and head back towards Nana's!


Yes I had a Zombie dream! Once again I was an intern at Seattle Grace Hospital and I was touring the hospital behind Dr. Bailey. Dr. Bailey introduced us to a new doctor who was a 10 year old little asian girl. She was really cute and she was telling us about her breakthrough medicine. Bailey had to excuse herself to do something and the little doctor took her leave as well. Well the interns and I were extremely interested in this tiny doctor so we follow her down to her research laboratory. Her research lab was incredibly sketchy that was dark, damp, and smelly. On each side of the walkway there were this tall locker looking things that had labels on them. The tiny doctor was working on a cadaver when she notices us. She has fear in her eyes and we know at the point that we shouldn't be here. We get another look around and notice the lockers are filled with cadavers or what look like cadavers. One of the interns trips backwards in the astonishment, and cuts her hand on something and she starts bleeding. The tiny doctor and the cadaver she was working on change radically! The tiny doctor rolls up her sleeve to reveal rotted bone and flesh under her lab coat and the cadaver wakes up ready to eat. She can't contain herself and has her and the zombie move up towards the human level so they can feed without suspicion of missing interns. We start freaking out! I am designated as the one to alert the hospital of the zombies being made in her lab and the others are stationed throughout the lab to monitor the zombies and make sure that none of them escape. For the rest of the dream my perspective changes between my perspective and the other interns' prospective, which was pretty nifty!

Nana's house again:

In this dream I am at Nana's house before a huge awards show like the Oscars. A few of my friends are there and we are nomming on some appetizers before we head out. One of my friends surprises me though, he confesses that he is interested in not just being a friend! Which, I didn't really know what to do with at the time so I kind of just put it off as a joke. However, he kept following me around the kitchen to try and explain and I am just trying to avoid it. This guy is not the best with expressing his feelings so this chase around the kitchen lasted quite a little bit. Finally, accept what he is saying and let him hold my hand as we head out the door to the Oscars. I am still not into him having this new found love for me so once we arrive at the Oscars I become extremely busy in efforts to wrap my head around his confession. I am walking towards the stage when my mom holds up a sign by this guy saying "Nina is beautiful!" I act like I don't see anything and I keep walking. If you're wondering why I didn't reveal this friend, well I didn't want it to be awkward and I don't want my guy friends thinking anything out of it, so he will remain anonymous!

That's about that for my dreams last night!

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