Sunday, June 3, 2012

Fondling, thievery, and understanding!

This weekend my program took all of us to the nearby city Sevilla, where we would spend the night there, then get up early in the morning and drive to Cordoba and visit more sites there.


We we had a hard time getting up because we had to get up really early to catch our bus. Once on our bus, we realized that sleep is nearly impossible because Spain roads are smooth until they dip and you basically get thrown towards the ceiling! Well two hours later we arrive in Sevilla. Immediately, it was a lot to take in because it feels so much bigger than Granada and it's ten times busier! Our first tour was at famous palace in Sevilla. However, most of the crew was having a hard time paying attention because we were starving! Which is pretty much the case from 8-4 in the afternoon, we are starving! The palace was cool then we headed to the nearby Catedral which is the 4th largest Catholic Catedral in the world, so it was a pretty hopping place! We freaking saw the coffin that carries Christopher Columbus' bones, which was extremely exciting! It'll be easier to describe once I post up the pics, but it might be a while, so don't hold your breath! We ate a lunch and got a little drunk and headed to our next location. Our next location was a park, kind of like the Central Park of Sevilla! We were exhausted by this point because we had been walking most of the day and had little to no energy. This is when everything gets strange....

After taking a short break where Nadya got pooped on by a pigeon and threw all her remaining napkins at a helpless pigeon, mis companeras decided to take a row boat ride around a little river, but quickly found out that we don't have much man power or coordination to row the boat in a straight manner! Well after quite a few tries and a personal lesson from the row boat attendant we made it 20 feet! Goodness, we were a mess! Some guys in another row boat noticed our struggle and sympathized because they were struggling too! Well, they thought we were on even playing ground so we decided to race to the next bridge, which was maybe 30 feet away. Naturally, us females won by quite a large margin. However, the boys wanted to try again so we raced back to the dock. Little did we know one of the guys is a rower from Belgium! So we failed miserably at our second race. Well the guys wanted to hang out, but we were about to miss our bus.

On the flip side, while we were frolicking with some really cute boys, our neighbors Penny and Kari wanted to nap while they had time to relax. They chose a park bench and before they fell asleep a man asked if he could sit on the bench too, of course they said yes! Forty five minutes later they wake up to the man jacking off to them with his weiner hanging out of his pants! What the hell?!? Needless to say they were traumatized when they got back to the bus!

Later that night we went to the bars and Sevilla had a pretty great night life! Well we met some locals and you know what, I didn't really like them. They were rude, laughed at us at every turn, and would get incredibly offended when we asked questions or complimented another city! They were annoying! We had fun, but I was about to die from exhaustion! My roomie and I returned to the hotel around 2 while the others went out. Ally and I watched Harry Potter 1 and we were in the middle of the first quidditch scene when the other companeras come into our hotel room saying that they had a blast, but Penny's iPhone was stolen and Nadya's camera was stolen too! They went on and on and used her find my phone app to see if they could locate it. They kept talking in circles and my brain wasn't processing anything, so I just kind of rolled over and fell asleep. The next morning was rough for all of us trying to wake-up through our alcohol coma, lazily through the breakfast we checked the find my phone app and it located it!!!! We could visually see on the google maps where her phone was! Kari was so excited that she nearly flipped the breakfast table! The next thing we knew we contacted our program director and the police and they set off for the apartment with the phone! Luckily, the girls had pictures and email addresses of the robber so they had evidence! They arrive at the apartment as soon as the guy is walking out of his apartment checking the weather on HER iPhone! She walks up to him and says "es mi telefono!" and snatches it out of his hand! Our director goes up to him and shows him the pictures we took and says that he also has Nadya's camera. The guy gives some lame excuse that he found them on the ground, and our director tells him that he's lying and the police are coming. The guys just scoffs, but then looks stunned as the police pull up! It was absolutely crazy!

Of course, this fiasco set us back a little on our schedule, but I wasn't in any hurry! We arrived at Cordoba and visited one of the coolest things I have ever seen. We visited the mesquita (mosque/cathedral) which was absolutely amazing! The mosque has christian, muslim, and jewish influences and all three religions helped to build the mosque. At the time it was the 2nd largest mosque in the world! Here are some pics, I'll let them do all the talking!

I don't know if you know this about me, but I hate when people talk badly about cultures without knowing the facts. I dislike ignorant people who refuse to understand by not educating themselves. This mosque made me want to shove religious misunderstandings in their face! Three different types of religious communities contributed to the building of this mosque and it was completed in ten months! I don't understand where all this bad rep for other cultures came from, but all that people need to do is head to Cordoba and see the magnificence! I am not saying that the mezcla of all the religions was peaceful all the time, but they worked together enough to finish this lovely creation that is still standing today! 

Sorry soapbox! 

Anywho, it feels great to be in Granada again! I am so glad this weekend was eventful, but I am so glad to be back in my temporary home!

Hasta luego!


Unknown said...

will you add an "i miss you" to the reactions boxes??? :(

The Fantasy World said...

my god the guy on the bench...

Good story Nina!