Sunday, April 15, 2012


Don't know if I ever told you the story about Edna, but here's a pic with the dream to follow! Yes I created this pic based on my dream!

I was in a remote location in Alaska touring around on a vacation. It just us girls on this tour because the boys wanted to do something with a jeep and snow and what not. The girls really liked the tour and I gained a new friend. Edna was a part lemur, part dragon, part cat animal that was the best friend I could ever have! Edna could change sizes, she could be as tiny as a mouse or as large as a table. She also could breathe fire and be my protector! I loved Edna! There is more to the dream, but all that I really take from this dream is the vividness of my imagination! I just wish Edna was for real, oh well, Stella is pretty close!