Saturday, March 10, 2012


My dreams/dream were/was incredibly short and snippetty!

First, I remember needing to babysit some of my cousins with Jared, and two other people that I don't recognize. I had four younger cousins, who again I don't recognize and we were just chilling watching TV, when I got this dirty thought in my head! I grab Jared and make for the bedroom and tell everyone else that we are going to go get "something." We start messing around when the other babysitters come in and tell us, "we know what you're up to and we want a babysitting break too" We tell the kids that we will all be right back and shut all the doors to the bedroom close all the blinds. Just as we are about to enjoy our break, the oldest cousin comes in the room and says "I know what you're up to and I'm gunna tell!" Needless to say we get in trouble with our elders and that's about it. Then the dream continues with all of us heading to a chinese restaurant to eat and we are still in trouble. On our way back we have to walk to wherever we were going and head up t a steep hill. Jared and I discuss what happened or what would have happened and I told him, "don't worry about it, you were just there and it would have been too easy" That's all I have for that dream!

The next fragment, I get up and get a glass of water and pet Stella.

The next fragment Kona is living with me and I hadn't taken her out in forever. I felt so bad, so I start looking for her leash.

That's it!

Enjoy your weekend!

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