Sunday, November 27, 2011


So I have noticed that my dreams seem to help me envision my next day. Over the thanksgiving break I often dreamed of things that I would do the next day. I would ask my aunt how to make a cheesecake. I would cook with my mom for thanksgiving dinner. I think my mind was so preoccupied with the next day it sorted through the happenings. Sorry for the lame dreams over the break, but I thought I would recall one of my favorite dreams!

In this dream reality I worked at a mental institution with my ex, Jake.  Jake and I were working with this patient together. She was put in the institution after she lost a baby and went into a crazy depression. We gave her drugs to help her sleep. As soon as she fell asleep my dream entered into her dream. In her dream, Jake and I were dressed in leather warrior/superhero outfits. Our mission in her dream was to retrieve the package from the middle of the castle. The castle was surrounded by a moat of fire and hundreds of knights  with deadly weapons. My weapon of choice was the best bow and arrow I could imagine! Jake was more of a hand to hand combat type of guy, but he kept an ax with him just in case. He opened up the path for me to charge through. We battled through the whole castle and went to the deepest parts of the castle! We finally reached the prize room and her package was in the middle of the room. It was her little baby, precious and swaddled calm as ever. I quickly cradled the baby in my arms and ran up to the top of the tallest tower. Once I reached the top balcony, I wrapped the baby like the stork would and put my arrow through the top knot. I braced my arrow, aimed it towards the moon and shot the baby straight towards the moon! The patient was on the surface of the moon and caught her baby gently and with ease. She smiled and I zoomed out of the dream back into my dream reality. The next day when we checked on the patient, she was perfect. She was pretty much cured!

This is one of my favorite dreams I have ever had. There was adventure, depth, and really cool costumes. I also really like that she was better after her mind healed itself. I love how I created someone's dream within my own dream!

I'll keep you all posted on my dreams and if I don't have any I will recall some of my personal favorites!

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